Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My Review of Famous Trails® MD3005 Metal Detector

No treasure yet, but a lot of fun!

By Squirrelburrito from Revere, MA on 4/27/2010


3out of 5

Pros: Accurate, Easy to use, Compact

Cons: Basic model

Best Uses: Open spaces, Hiking/Backpacking, Low Visibility, Travel

Describe Yourself: Casual/ Recreational

When I came across this affordable metal detector last Christmas, I had to buy it. Always wanted one! To be fair, winter is really just ending where I live, so I haven't had much time to play yet. I can say that it was accurate and efficient enough to sort through a massive pile of construction debris to find a ring. Dead on, every time. It takes some getting used to as far as calibrating goes, but it is easy to use once you figure it out. My two year old hasn't been able to break it yet (and that is quite a feat!), and she loves to watch us search for and find buried treasure! All in all, for the price, I find the value to be excellent, and I am very satisfied with this purchase.


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